If you are afraid of Death, You will only avoid life; you can’t avoid Death.
You should live your life in such a way that if you drop dead next moment, you still have ended it reasonably well. This is why it is said that you must be ready for death every moment of your Life.
Just remind yourself of this much and wonderful things will happen to you. You should be ready for death every moment.
What will happen after death?
Will I be aware of myself after death?
Who chooses which womb to go through before birth?
Will I always reborn as a human?
I have read more than ten books on afterlife and Death. But when I read this book. I found that this book worth reading then ten or twenty other books present on this topic.
You may have heard sound of Jing Jing Jing of the anklets of a beautiful women Ghost or you have definitely heard such stories from your grandparents. In this book Sadhguru wrote about one of his interactions with a beautiful disembodied woman with complete body resemblance and her anklets used to make the same Jing Jing sound and how he helped her in dissolving.
Hundreds of questions about Life and Death may be running into your mind. But we are not able to find a single book or a trusted person to answer these questions for us.
I have read more than ten books on the afterlife and Death. But when I read this book. I found that this book worth reading then ten or twenty other books present on this topic.
Most of us Know Sadhguru as a Godman or a spiritual person. Those who are more found of spirituality may know him as an enlightened being. That’s he is. You may already have seen a lot of videos of Sadhguru but those videos are focused on the audience. They are made on the purpose to be watched by all. If he talks about death and afterlife in his speeches than most of you become fearful and chances are that you won't believe what he will say. That’s why he wrote this book. So, that the people who are really curious about death can be aware of it and it helps you to know every aspect of life and Death.
Sadhguru is a mystic and Tantric (the person who practices tantra). So, he knows better than other so called spiritual persons about death.
In this book Sadhguru revealed his four past lifetimes and how he was initiated by his Guru; three lifetimes ago.
But to believe on these things about one or more lifetimes, You have to read starting chapters of this book. First part of this book have 5 chapters and all five of them are focased on What is Death, Types of Death, Process, quality and Insights of Death.
In the first part of five chapters, he revealed how a person dies. How many ways are there to die and what are the things that control Prana (Life forces) in the body and how can we control them through yoga meditation and other practices.
Like if you have heard about seven chakras. Then I can tell you that the least type of death occurs when a person leaves through Mooladhara chakra. And Best death happens when a person leaves from Shashra Chakra. Most of the yogis leave from Shashra chakra and people who are fearful at the time of death leaves from Mooladhara. Leaving the body through specific chakra also affects your next birth.
In the second part of the book, Sadhguru tells about the Gracefulness of Death. And how we can mold it into some desired way. And in this section, he described in detail about the after-death rituals of Hindu culture. He revealed why people fear from death and how to deal with it. Is there any significance in dying at home and dying in the Himalayas. Why Dying in Kashi (Varanasi) still have some special in it.
Third and last part of the book will open your mind about all the myths and truths of after death and Life after death. Several questions like Does Ghosts exist? How one can feel the presence of a Ghost or disembodied being and how to handle them. A story about Buddhist Lamas; how they have managed to continue for more than forty lifetimes.
I can't tell everything about this book in this small article but I can provide some insights and takeaways from this book. Let’s see and try to get something from them.
If you are aware of the Mortal nature of your life, where is the time to get angry with someone or to do anything stupid in life?
For me, A rock is very alive. It has its own energy and I see that it gathers its own memory over a period of time.
When you say “the Mind” People generally think it is located in one place. It is not so. There are memory and intelligence in every cell in this body.
You should live your life in such a way that if you drop dead next moment, you still have ended it reasonably well. This is why it is said that you must be ready for the death every moment of your Life.
Now, if you slow down your metabolism, If you as much as breathe fewer number of times in a minute, You will live longer.
When it is so easy to reproduce and have a new Body, why do you want to preserve the old Body?
If you understand that there is nothing to loose, Because anyway you came with nothing and there is nothing to loose, the fear of death will not be revenant.
One thing you can do is to remind yourself about death your death. Just remind yourself of this much and wonderful things will happen to you.
When you loose the body, your ability to discriminate is gone. All the memory and other mind-stuff are still there.
Even if the person’s body is burned, they are still not gone because their movement in other realm has not yet happened.